Green Bean Casserole


2 lbs green beans

2 cups raw cashews

2 tbsp nutritional yeast

1 tbsp salt

1 tsp nutmeg

1 tsp ground pepper

1 cup crispy onions- French’s


Make Cashew Creme :

  1. Cover cashews in water in a pot- bring to boil and simmer for 20 minutes covered

  2. Strain Cashews

  3. Throw them in blender add 4 cups of water, nutritional yeast, salt, pepper, and nutmeg

  4. Blend for 2 minutes high speed

Green Beans

  1. Preheat oven to 350 F

  2. Pour Cashew Creme over halved green beans

  3. Bake for 15 minutes

  4. Uncover, Stir and sprinkle on French’s crispy onions

  5. Bake for additional 10 minutes and serve!


Vegan Stuffing with Vegan Breakfast Sausage


Mushroom Poppers