Happy Squirrel Day! Was a refrain a few weeks ago. Spirit Squirrel is for every day
See the newsletter for a photo of its sighting. Adding more stores all the time, Midwest accounts are growing. Use Instacart too for shopping.
We source our walnuts from Fillmore Farms in California https://walnuts.org/blog/walnut-community/summer-fancy-food-show-walnut-products-define-newstalgia/
This is from the California walnut association. They have posted several articles about our success with 2 sofi Golds from the specialty food association. Walnuts are tasty AND boost brain and heart health. Rich in omega 3s. Enjoy walnuts in all of our products.
Join us at a PCRM Rally to Beat Breast Cancer (and other cancers and chronic conditions)!
Two Breast Cancer Prevention Rallies Coming to Grand Rapids
Mayor Bliss Proclaims ‘Let’s Beat Breast Cancer Day’
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Registered Nurse Sheri Orlekoski will lead ‘Let’s Beat Breast Cancer’ rallies in Grand Rapids on Wednesday, Sept. 18th, and Sunday, Sept. 22nd.
The message of the free events is simple: Eating a plant-based diet and incorporating other lifestyle changes can be powerful preventive medicine for breast cancer.
In acknowledgement of the rallies, Grand Rapids Mayor Rosalyn Bliss declared Sept. 22, 2024, “Let’s Beat Breast Cancer Day.” In the proclamation, Bliss calls upon Grand Rapids residents to “recognize this important day”, and encourages “all to join in the ‘Let’s Beat Breast Cancer’ Campaign”
• Eat plant-based foods
• Exercise regularly
• Limit alcohol
• Aim for an ideal weight
Come to our TWO rallies in Grand Rapids, Michigan!
•The Sept. 18th rally is from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Grand Rapids Riverside Park’s Island Shelter, 2001 Monroe Ave., NE. Breast cancer survivor and physician Dr. Monica Randleswill speak on lifestyle modifications that can help prevent breast cancer. Josh Dunigan will lead a drum circle performance. And Grand Rapids’ own Nutcase Vegan will bring its plant-based offerings to sample at the event. An optional guided walk by EcoTrek Fitnessinstructor Cari Draft is scheduled at the end of the rally.
•The Sept. 22th rally is from noon to 1 p.m. at Rosa Parks Circle, 135 Monroe Center St. NW. The Ottawa Hills/C.A. Frost/Union High Schools combined drum line will perform, as well as Godwin Heights High School’s drum line. Dr. Randles will also speak at this event. There will be plant-based food samples by Nutcase Vegan and an optional guided walk across the Grand River and back by EcoTrek Fitness instructor Cari Draft is scheduled at the end of the rally.
Members of the Plant Powered for Health Support Group and the Lifestyle Medicine Interest Group at Mary Free Bed will be in attendance too! We are spreading this message with no cost, no sales and no donations..so come support each other, bring friends and get the message out!!
Let’s RALLY together for the power of prevention, and make this a headline news event!!
❤️ Join us!! ❤️
Exciting locations added including Kings Island. Portfolio Diet another great reason to enjoy Nutcase Vegan! More MOM’s Organic stores as well
It is fun to add new, exciting locations in the region— top your Mac and Cheese in Kings Island - OH. 😎 Send your friends to both locations. El Cerrito NG in El Cerrito, CA. MOM’s Organic on the East coast
The Portfolio Diet proven in the early 2000s in Canada - another study to confirm one can reduce cholesterol and LDL with diet alone. This might be why even Esselstyn is touting daily 2 tbsp of walnuts for heart and brain health. Also, our pecans and hazelnuts are on the diet too. Whole grains and sesame seeds are on the list. 😃
Blog Post sofi Gold #2 - 🤩 This time Savory Breakfast
Congratulations Savory Breakfast Sausage!! sofi Gold. Our second one in three years.
Really 5/19/24
Our Savory Breakfast Sausage Patties earned sofi Gold for Plant Based Protein. Our Nutty Loaf won in 2022. While staying true to our mission of crafting delicious, wholesome foods including optimal nutrition with sodium mg equal to calories or less, most vegan options are full of fat and sodium and chemicals (not to mention pesticides, sewage sludge, toxins, and microplastics) this can create a challenge in blind taste-testings for our products. The human palate favors fat, salt, and sugar. So a product 3-4 times saltier will seem to be “tastier” in a taste test. To manufacture a product that is known to be a “crowd-pleaser” while having little true nutritional value. It has been shown to increase death rates with higher sodium intake. Our sodium to calories is 0.9:1 for the Savory… we are pleased it won. Tell your friends… send some to your friends.
PS Our shippers are perfect for keeping products cold and the shipper is fully recyclable.
cute new label coming…